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Let us succeed together

We offer our customers a wide variety of solutions for remote communication and meeting needs, including on-site installations. We complete AV solutions and programming with professionalism. Our software development team developes customisable solutions for remote communication as well as general needs and they're all integratable to already existing ICT solutions. For these you can get turnkey solutions if necessary.

All services include our service desk support on-site as well as remotely. This is why you get the best service and experience from us.

We carry out our solutions with professionalism to both companies and public organizations. Contact us and let us find the solution for you!

Read more about our solutions
Two men with umbrellas in their hands on a blue background. In front a Let us succeed together text.


Our solutions background. Nightly sight and in the middle a login form to join a conference in our platform.

Trueconnector communication platform - fully located in Finland - can be compared to many international technological platforms - difference being the much further taken approach in regards to customer accessibility.

Trueconnector platform can be used to easily administrate large entities such as social and healthcare districts, municipalities, companies, larger companies etc. to the biggest and the smallest associations. All with one administrative environment that controls it all. The platform functionalities can be installed individually so you can for example easily get your own VideoChat service with you own logos running in a day.

Trueconnector platform has multiple modules around it that can be installed as part of large scale service entities or utilized as smaller individual ensembles.

Trueconnector Live streaming and recording platform service portals can be implemented to existing websites and controlled easily through its separate administration. This service can easily be customized with your own company's logo for customers to use.

Doctor with a stethoscope.

We're pioneers in the social and healthcare field. Since 2008, we've brought healthcare accessories such as stethoscopes, cameras and sensors for practical use between professionals and customers. In addition we've created such practices for virtual services at home that have been applied in multiple districts. These days the social and healthcare districts utilize these practices in the professionals' jobs in virtual services.

In relation to this it's possible to get a visual communication technology for different fields of expertise. These can be for example homecare companies using technology, health centres, hospitals and university hospital all the way to operating room level. This makes it possible that the system can be a homecare or medical report system as well. In smaller environments for example different therapeutic services or remote receptions have been easily merged together as one environment.

Service desk image. Partly shown laptop and in the front a headset.

Service desk services for our customers are produced from within and we have not externalized this function of our business. This is a very strong element of value and produces additional value to our customers because having a long history in the field shows in our professionals' work.

In addition our personnel works on their continuous learning and experience by fulfilling installations in customer environments. This way the customer, most important to us, stays close and we can give even better service to the customer.

In the era of unified communication and hybrid working we've started to provide support with Teams meeting rooms and hardware in addition to traditional videoconferencing. This way our customers can in addition to just the hardware, get support, training and testing aid directly from our service desk staff and this has become a daily function for us.

Did you know that we can fulfill installations and provide customer service to everywhere in Finland?

An image of a computer screen that has code on it. In front of the computer, there are glasses.

One of our greatest strengths is our in-house software development. It makes us the only visual communication development company in Finland. For years we've done developmental work on video conferencing systems and our customers can be spotted all the way from state administration to social and healthcare fields.

We offer visual communicaton based technology which can be integrated to other ICT systems that can be for example: enterprise resource planning systems, support service systems, customer and medical report systems, systems integrated with different kinds of transaction / appointment portals as well as customer service systems.

An image of a small negotiation room with a table in the middle and chairs around it and video conferencing device on top of a monitor hanging on the wall.

Our installation service is famous for its quality and to this day shines out from the rest in a positive manner. We're able to fulfill both smaller and larger spaces and we have experience in installation projects on a European scale. We've started to answering calls in Finland for the increasing AV installations and implementations needs with proven quality. This way we've been fulfilling the long awaited quality that customers have been looking for in AV installations in a very traditional field.

Our installation service covers Finland entirely and we've for a long time worked with huge installation ensembles, for example the state administrations. These too as individual implementations. We are able to provide very high quality implementation tasks on the side during installations such as consultation and plans for future proofing. We're not tied to one vendor, but instead actively look for optimal solutions and have the broadest understanding of the visual communication field in Finland.


Trueconnector diagrammi

Collaborate with any participants using any devices of their choice, from legacy H.323 endpoints to HTML5 web browsers - at any location.

Trueconnector is the new unifying transcoder between Teams, Skype for Business and virtually any enterprise videoconferencing endpoints. It enables Teams and Skype for Business customers to interact with any SIP or H.323 videoconferencing endpoints, mobile devices, SIP phones or computers with web browsers.

Offering a native compatibility with Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business environments.

Trueconnector supports numerous codecs and standards such as H.263, H.263++, H.264, H.264 SVC (UCIF Profiles 0, 1), H.265, VP8, and RTVideo and call signaling protocols such as H.323, SIP, WebRTC and Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business. All this can be transcoded between different codecs and translated between different protocols.

Connects Teams, Skype for Business, IP phones and PSTN environments.

Trueconnector automatically transcodes all of the industry content sharing standards, H.239 (for H.323), BFCP (for SIP), RDP (for Microsoft Teams & Skype for Business), and VP8 (for WebRTC). This means that such that content can be presented and received across legacy and latest videoconference endpoints, mobile apps, IP Phones, web browsers as well as on Microsoft Teams and Skype for Business clients.


Sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon lakiuudistus tuo mukanaan muutoksia hyvinvointialueiden palveluiden hankkimiseen ja suunnitelmissa nämä itsehallinnolliset alueet aloittavat toiminnan vuoden 2023 aikana. Olemme tiiviisti mukana tässä muutoksessa monin eri tavoin ja tuemme asiakkaitamme - niin uusia kuin vanhojakin - varmistamalla mahdollisimman vaivattoman siirtymän. Pitkäaikainen kokemuksemme on suureksi avuksi myös teille. Pystymme kokemuksen vankalla rintaäänellä auttamaan teitä löytämään hakemanne ratkaisut ja toteuttamaan ne.

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Along the years we've worked closely together with many companies. Below are a few of them.

City of Helsinki

Oulunkaaren kuntayhtymä

Kolpeneen tuki- ja osaamiskeskus


Pohjois-Suomen sosiaalialan osaamiskeskus


Lapin Ensi- ja turvakoti

Vaasan Sairaanhoitopiiri

City of Rovaniemi

Pello municipality

Ylitornion municipality

Ranuan municipality


Suvanto Care


Kolarin kunta


From since the very beginning, sustainable development has been a major factor in our values. This thinking has been there for almost 18 years.
Time was when the biggest climate crisis and financial crisis were not headlining, but we thought these topics would increase our growth - whilst accounting for climate.

We've put together a timeline to highlight some of the most important issues we've tackled over the years, with either in our own actions or even nationally - as the first of its kind.

A picture of the Rovaniemi office meeting room.

Better video conferencing

We had our humble beginning in 2006 in Rovaniemi as a provider for remote connection professionals. Along the years we have expanded our solutions through our own software development and installation services.

Arctic Connect Ltd is an advanced Finnish video conferencing professional company. We are specialized in carrying out the most demanding customer communication solutions through our experience as a video conferencing provider.

We are able to take advantage of the most efficient video conferencing solutions for our customers' communication needs. Through our own video conferencing software development we are able to offer better video conferencing.

Contact information

Arctic Connect board
Our sales company Arcturia
Toni Kurvinen

Toni Kurvinen

+358 40 829 0 897
Janne Konttaniemi

Janne Konttaniemi

Administrative Director
+358 40 717 0 876
Erik Choufoer

Erik Choufoer

Head of Logistics
+358 45 114 4 146
Janne Isolankila

Janne Isolankila

Head of Sales
+358 105 177 800

Joni Reitamo

Joni Reitamo

Sales and Business
Development Manager
+358 105 177 800
Jyrki Ranne

Jyrki Ranne

Key Account Manager
+358 45 233 0320